Discover the optimal time to list your property For Sale or Lease in the months surrounding the Christmas period.
(Duration 2:35 mins)
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00:30 Which months are most affected
00:55 The pre-xmas rush for property
01:45 We’ve experienced a surge in enquiry
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Hi. Anna Lynch here from Perth Commercial Property. Just a quick update this week in relation to the sale or lease of your commercial property over the next few months being the festive period.
With the festive period fast approaching, it’s a good time to discuss the impact that the next few month will have on the sale or lease of your commercial property. Historically the month of December and January are most affected. As business owners come under significant pressure to fulfill their own Christmas orders and prepare for their own Christmas needs.
It is certainly not uncommon to experience a significant reduction in inquiry from about mid-December through to the end of January. The good news is though that for approximately four weeks, so from about mid-November through to mid-December we see a bit of a last minute scare by business owners trying to secure their premises so that they came commence the new year off in their brand new premises. As a result, this means that as a commercial property owner you have approximately three or so weeks to really get your property out on the market, if you’re intending to list your property for sale or lease.
Secondly, if you do have your property already listed and you’re not getting the inquiry that you’re after, now is the time that you should be making any serious adjustments so that you really do have time to make an impact before the market tends to drop right down around mid-December. Here at Perth Commercial Property, we’ve certainly experienced an increase in inquiry of the last few weeks both from tenants looking to secure a new premises and from owners looking to sell and lease their premises.
We’ve also made sure that our clients are aware of the timing and the impact of this timing on their commercial property and they’ve taken this into consideration and made any necessary adjustments that they need to make.
That’s it for this week. Please be sure to contact me, should you have any commercial property questions.
This is a commercial property update from Anna Lynch of Perth Commercial Property.